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Yacht Cleaning

The interior of a pleasure yacht has many different features because of the composition of the different materials it consists of. These can be textile surfaces, leather or wood carpets, upholstery and various other materials that require different treatment in the cleaning. This need requires specialization and knowledge of the materials available to each boat and therefore cleaning must be carried out by qualified staff with certified cleaning products.
We undertake the internal of yachts in the following stages:
  • Dusting 
  • Vacuun
  • Mopping
  • Cleaning of shelves – machine room – tabs
  • Cleaning of furniture/surfaces
  • Kitchen/ kitchen appliances cleaning
  • Toilets and bathrooms
  • Windows
  • Rubbish removal
  • Wall cleaning
  • Ceiling cleaning (insect webs)

We perform the external cleaning of yachts in the following stages:

  • Deck washing
  • External window cleaning 
  • Cleaning stainless steel

All the work is done with modern techniques, ensuring excellent results and making the interior of each project we undertake, really clean. We are at your disposal for any information and offer by simply making a phone call and our partner will visit you to give you the best deals at the most advantageous prices.  

For cleaning your villa you can choose specialized biological cleaning

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